The logo for sweebe architecture is black and white on a white background.
A blurry picture of a man standing in front of a door
What Michael loves

The texture of surfaces, grandeur or quaint nature of windows, sounds of cooking, feel of a summer breeze through a space, Irish pubs, reading the lyrics of an album while it’s playing, Sunday mornings, a beer on the porch, a grill on the patio, his wife’s smile, his son’s hugs, running to soothe the soul, and brewing his own beer (his wife says it’s good and nobody’s gone blind.)

  • Bachelor of Science in Architecture - The Ohio State University, 1994
  • Master’s Degree in Architecture and Urban Design - Rice University, 1998
  • Registered architect in New York, New Jersey, and Ohio 

Mike Sweebe

Owner, Lead Architect & Home Whisperer 

Mike Sweebe has been designing houses from the tender age of 6 and vividly recalls designing floor plans to bring his family together. This love for design and the meaning of home has stuck all through his life. In 2013, after 19 years of experience working in other firms, the birth of his son gave him the push to set up his own architecture firm with the goal of helping families like his own create their dream homes.

Through home design, Mike helps families establish new living environments that support their natural family patterns and create a sense of inspiration around every corner. He’s passionate about untying the knots that constrain the natural flow of family life to give his clients space to reflect, relax, chat, connect, daydream, and enjoy each other. 

Mike’s empathetic, caregiver nature helps him forge strong relationships with his clients and understand what they need even when they can’t articulate it themselves. He relishes the opportunity to impact the lives of the families he works with, making them feel completely understood and perfectly reflected in their new homes.

For Mike, it’s important that clients understand that his role is not to impose his design style or vision on his clients, but to help them find their own.

Mike lives in Montclair NJ with his wife, son, and silly, mini poodle ‘Sandy’. Having a family of his own, Mike understands how life evolves and changes, and knows that homes need to reflect this. He spends most of his time at home making lists of everything he needs to do to improve his home.

Mike is a fully licensed and registered architect in New Jersey, New York, and Ohio.

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