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Social Media can be a Powerful Tool for Finding the Right New Jersey Architect
Mike Sweebe • May 15, 2019

You purchased land and decided to build in New Jersey. Congratulations! Now it is time to embark on building your dream—but first, you need an architect.

With so many New Jersey architecture firms to choose from, it can seem daunting to find the right one for your project. While social media cannot calm your nerves, it can be a powerful tool in helping you find great local architects. The key is to know how each social platform works and the unique functionalities that they have to offer.

Pinterest defines itself as a visual discovery engine for finding ideas. Its search bar can be used much like Google’s search engine. Try typing in “New Jersey architecture” or “NJ architects,” and see what comes up.

In addition to discovering a plethora of inspirational images to help spark ideas for your project, you will find a few local architects you may want to consider hiring. A quick visit to their Pinterest profile will allow you to obtain their contact information and see examples of their work, which you can save for future reference.

Once you are logged into your Facebook account, you can use the advanced search feature to produce a list of suggested businesses in your area:

  1. Type “New Jersey architects” into the search bar.
  2. Select the “Pages” tab.
  3. Add the category filter “Local Business or Place.”

Peruse the resulting list of suggestions, and click on the architect pages that interest you. While you are visiting these pages, you will find a recommendations section where you can learn more about client experiences and, in some cases, see images of actual projects.

Instagram is an image- and video-sharing network designed to be used from any iOS or Android device. Similar to Facebook, an Instagram search will yield a list of architect recommendations.

Architects utilizing this social platform will display their work visually. Their profile will serve as a portfolio allowing you to scroll through a grid of images and quickly ascertain if they appeal to you as a company you would like to work with.

If you prefer to find individuals instead of companies, LinkedIn is a great way to locate professionals working in an architecture firm. We recommend two different searches depending on your preference and the size of your LinkedIn network. In each scenario, type “New Jersey Architects” into the search bar:

  1. Find someone you know. Once the search results appear, use the filters to refine your search. Select “Connections,” check “1st,” and click “Apply.” This will allow you to see if anyone you already know is a New Jersey architect you can reach out to.
  2. Find someone to connect with. Select a company from the search results list you would consider working with. Once on the company page, you will see a hyperlinked statement advising who on LinkedIn are employees of the firm. It would be appropriate to send connection requests and inquire about discussing your project.

No matter which platform you prefer, each provides the convenience and time-saving qualities that can help make hiring the right architect for your project easier:

  • Save it for later. All social channels provide save features that allow you to save articles, posts, or images so you can reference them at a later time.
  • Take it with you. Each social platform offers a mobile app that enables you to take your search on-the-go.
  • Everything you need in one place. Social media profiles act as a single source of information, providing you with detailed company information and a way to connect.

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